Preparation of Siak in Figures for 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia S I A K Regency

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Preparation of Siak in Figures for 2022

Preparation of Siak in Figures for 2022

February 10, 2022 | Other Activities - The opening ceremony for the 2022 Siak In Figures preparation meeting was officially opened by the Deputy Regent of Siak Regency (H. Husni Merza, BBA, MM), accompanied by the Head of the Siak Regency Central Statistics Agency and Head of the Siak Regency Regional Development Planning Agency. Thursday (10/2/2022)

The Deputy Regent of Siak Regency in his speech said, “With this meeting to prepare the publication of Siak in Figures, it can produce sectoral data to better answer the challenges of developing Siak Regency. In addition, it is hoped that it can improve the quality and improvement of Regional Data in Figures (DDA), considering that DDA is the main reference publication used for planning, evaluation and the basis for making Siak Regency government policies. Good data. Good decision".

In line with the increasing demand for data consumers, this publication will continue to experience improvements in both its structure and content. The completion of this publication cannot be separated from the role of local government agencies and organizations as secondary data sources. The Central Statistics Agency for Siak Regency continues to make efforts to accelerate the release of Regional in Figures publications, as well as to maintain the quality of the compiled data so that it can be used as material for planning and evaluating development.
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