Subdistrict Pusako In Figures 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia S I A K Regency

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Subdistrict Pusako In Figures 2013

Catalog Number : 11020011405
Publication Number : 14.05.2013.19
ISSN/ISBN : 979 484 749 6
Release Date : November 20, 2013
File Size :  MB


Along with the increasing development in all areas, the need for the availability of statistical data that is accurate, timely, continuous, dab presented to the scope of the smallest area is a necessity in order to support such development. Recognizing the importance of such information, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Siak seeks to present the data at the sub-district level. In this regard needs to be published book ""District of Pusako in Figures 2013"" which contains statistical information on the level of villages / wards, both obtained through census and survey conducted by BPS and collected through administrative records / registration. With the publication of this publication, do not forget we thank you for the help given by all parties. Hopefully the cooperation that has existed this can be further enhanced in the future.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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